We send and recieve lots of emails daily. But emails sent to someone is so special that you would not have deleted their emails and will be in your memories for long time. You can make such emails from contacts into a book using memoir.

memoir is a site where you enter your email address and select the contacts which emails you want to select and turn it into a book within minutes and publish it.

You can also gift that person with this book.

Click here to visit here to Memoirs

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12 URL Shortners to get paid

Tuesday, May 03, 2011 |

We use many url shortners to shorten the link and then post it in blog or twitter. instead of using a random one why not use a url shortner which will pay you for it. Below are the list of URL shortner which will pay for the url shortner you put in your site

eca.sh will shorten your url and put a small toolbar on top of the page. whenever user clicks the ad you get paid 50%

Click here to visit eca.sh

Ad.fly is a url shortner where you get paid for no of impressions on visits of the link. The cpm varies across countries. please check their site to know full details. You will be paid when yu reach minimum amount $5 via paypal.  You can also get refferal bonus

Click here to visit ad.fly

They will find a advert to be displayed before the link page is viewed.A credit $0.003 will be credited to your account for each advert.

Click here to visit xa.ly

4.Link Bucks
Link bucks is a site which will pay you money when you leave the site you visited through shortened url. You can place top banner ads, intermediate ads ,popup ads using Link Bucks

Click here to visit linkbucks

Using Ity.im url shortner you can use to earn money for each url shortened. The minimum payout is $3. You can also get refferal bonus

Click here to visit ity.im

shrtn.co add affliate links to your url so that every time a user purchases via your shorten link, you will get a commission

Click here to visit shrtn.co

yvy.me is a url shortner which pays for each visit to your shortened links. You can earn more than $2.00 for 1000 links. Minimum payout is $10.

Click here to visit yvy.me

nxy.in is a site where you can shortern url and allow them to put ads so that you can earn money based on impressions.

Click here to visit nxy.in

byb.me is a url shortner which allows you to shortern urls and get paid to share your links on the net. You also can earn more by uploading files. The minimum payout is 10$

Click here to visit byb.me

ispoot is a Url Shortner site which you can use to shorten your url and get paid for the visits. It pays more than $5.00 for 1000 visitors

Click here to visit ispoot


Link-In is a Url shortner site which pays it memberscash for sharing link shortened using it. It pays $1 for 1000 impressions.

Click here to visit link-in


LinkCo is another url shortner which pays for then no of shorened url visits using it, It pays $5 for 1000 Impressions. Referral bonus is also available.

Click here to visit linkco

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We are using passwords on the net for securing our data. A password is a secret combination's of numbers,alphabets,symbols which we use to protect our accounts. Here is a site where you can check how long it will take to hack your password. This site will tell you how secure is your password and how long it will take to break it.

Click here to visit howsecureismypassword.net

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http://pastebin.comAre you having an gmail or hotmail or yahoo or Aol account. If so you can look at what type of person you are by looking at this article given below. The below article recomendations are based on surveyed group of users by hunch which is shown in hinch site.

Click here to visit Hunch Blog

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Ask Do you love me from DoYouLuv.me

Friday, February 18, 2011 |

Do you have a crush on someone and that you love them deeply and would like to ask them the same without getting embarrassed?

Then DoYouLuv.me is the site for you can enter their name and facebook user name or your email address to let them know how you feel about them

Click here to visit DoYouLuv.me

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If you dig a hole in your backyard and going deeper and deeper till the last.

Do you wonder where you will be at the other side of the world.

Just enter your pincode or country or city and you will find where you will come up at the other side of the world.

Click here to visit here to antipodr.

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