You may often register with many websites to check their service or product or forum and end up receiving spam mails. It's really headache to remove all the spams. So, how do you avoid spam? Here is the solution.
Creating disposable (temporary) email address, may be, is the best approach to reduce the spam. Following are the sites who offer free disposable email address.
Guerrillamail and 10minutemail, an anonymous web service that provides you with a temporary email address—perfect for web sites that you don't want to communicate with you but require email registration. Generate an email address and reload the home page to view any incoming messages. The 15-minute(for Guerrillamail) timer displays the amount of time you have remaining until your email address expires, but you can extend your time if necessary.
Spambox and Mailexpire: SpamBox and Mailexpire, that let you create temporary email address which expire after a given time. The spam email will still be directed to your primary email inbox but that would stop once the temporary account expires.
Here's a practical application of this technique - you need to register on a forum that requires e-mail verification, so you generate a spambox e-mail with an expiry of one hour. The generated e-mail will expire in an hour, way enough for the Forum to send you the verification code.
Whatever service you choose, temporary email addresses can really keep your regular inbox spam-free .
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