busroutes.in is a site where you can search for routes in chennai. All you have to give is the source location and destination location in chenai and you will find the route to go and which buses are going on the route. This will really come in handy when you want to go to a location and don't know the bus route.
Click here to visit busroutes.in
Add local news to your site and earn revenue from fwix
Friday, November 13, 2009 | Labels: Advertising sitesadwire is a new kind of advertising which displays local news in your site based on your locality. Based on your location your local news will be displayed and revenue will be shared among the people who made this happen. The minimum checkout is $50.
Click here to visit adwire
Click here to visit KPMRS. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Hi guys, I am back with a new exciting contest which i came across. Now the videos are almost seen everywhere from ads to contests. This is also an video contest wherein you can participate and win $5000. I have seen some of the videos and its cool man.
Abbott Medical Optics Inc. (AMO), a global leader in laser vision correction, wants to know how better vision could improve — or has improved — people’s lives. AMO recently launched the “You Gotta See This” Video Contest, inviting entrants to make a video showing the impact of improved vision, for a chance to win cash and prizes. People have already submitted:
• original music videos
• videos on boxing and swimming
• videos that just show how their daily lives would improve
You can also join this contest and submit your videos to win prizes.
The following are the prize details. The contest is still so rush in now and visit the iLASIK Video Contest for more details
The Prizes
$5,000 Grand Prize
First Prize (one in each video category):
HDTV package — a $2,500 value
Second Prize (one in each video category):
The Flip UltraHD™ camcorder — a $199.99 value
The Details
1. Submit A Video
Users make and submit a video in one of the following categories:
• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”
2. Tell Friends To Vote
Once users submit a video, their friends can vote on it. And votes are one of the key factors in determining which videos win a prize.
3. Have A Chance To Win
• One Grand Prize winner will win $5,000 — selected from all submitted videos
• Three First Prize winners will win an HDTV package(a $2,500 value) — one per video category
• Three Second Prize winners will win the Flip UltraHD camcorder (a $199.99 value) — one per video category
You heard the prizes, so what are you waiting for?
Psst.. Don't disturb me, I am preparing my video.
If you are an entrepreneur or have started a new business or planning to do so, Then you can ask doubts relating to your problem and experts or other people with the knowledge will answer your questions.
Click here to visit Startups
Listhings is a note keeping service to keep track of your notes online. You can select the color of note and save multiple notes online. You need to register for saving your notes and viewing it later.
Click here to visit Listhings
Check What's Being Copied from your site from Tynt
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: Intresting SitesTynt is a site where you can check what is copied from your site and where it is going. You can also find the popular content by checking which content is copied most.
Click here to visit Tynt.
Click here to visit flippa. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
#1. SocialSpark
Click here to visit SocialSpark
#2. PayPerPost
Click here to visit PayPerPost
#3. PayingPost
Click here to visit PayingPost
#4. BuyBlogReviews
Click here to visit BuyBlogReviews
#5. BloggerWave
Click here to visit BloggerWave
#6. PayU2Blog
Click here to visit PayU2Blog
#7. LoudLaunch
Click here to visit LoudLaunch
#8. ReviewMe
Click here to visit ReviewMe
#9. BlogToProfit
Click here to visit BlogToProfit
#10. BloggingAds
Click here to visit BloggingAds Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Click here to visit FeedStich . Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Notify when specific text is found in a site using SparkTooth
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 | Labels: Intresting SitesClick here to visit Sparktooth . Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Ask Questions to people near your location using askaround.me
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 | Labels: Locality SitesClick here to visit askaround.me. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Yauba is a search engine where you can search in private. They do not track your cookies or store any of your information. You can search results in different categories like news, blogs, images and more..
Click here to visit yauba.
Get yourself called from a sticky situation from getmooh
Monday, June 08, 2009 | Labels: Intresting SitesClick here to visit getmooh. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Click here to visit smsgupshup. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
There are a lot of search engines available and you may ask what spezify is different from. It is different from the way how it displays the results in a nice visually. You can also see from which search engine, it was fetched from.
Click here to visit spezify.
Click here to visit BottleTalk. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Find places nearby and rate it using RateMyArea
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 | Labels: Locality Sites , Shopping SitesRateMyArea is a place where you can search for interesting places in your area and rate it. You can also find peoples, groups and events in the location you have searched for.
Click here to visit RateMyArea.
Do you have an event and would like to promote it and sell tickets for it online, then TicketDerby is the right place for you. Here you can create an event and sell tickets for the event and also allow others to buy tickets for your event. They also have promotion tools to promote your event. They accept payments from all major credit cards and paypal.
Click here to visit TicketDerby.
Cash out option is now available in entrecard. Go to Dashboard --> You Account and click Sign Up for Cash Out. You will be given a form to fill your pay pal email id and address. Once you have filled up, the link will be gone and a message like 'Cashout application waiting' will be shown. Once your application is approved you can apply for cash out based on the priority logic mentioned in EntreCard Blog.
2 sites to get paid for product review
Friday, April 24, 2009 | Labels: Earn Revenue , Intresting Sites#1. Ciao
Click here to visit Ciao
#2. Comparedby.us
Click here to visit Comparedby.us Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Tight IT Security by learning Security Fundamentals
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | Labels: Sponsered Post EC-Council is introducing iclass to learn the techniques of
Security Fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Computer Forensics, Disaster, Recovery, Secure Coding. EC Council brought about these events to give IT Professionals a chance to come and see what the BUZZ is all about prior to attending a class. All courses are delivered online using an advanced web conferencing. All Classes are taught by Certified EC-Council Instructors providing an experience as close to the physical classroom as possible.
You can learn the security fundamentals and make yourself secure. You can take the courses. And nowadays job opening for these kind of jobs are high with good pay. You can also take part a role in the IT Security and save many companies and yourself from these kind of threats. Using Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures, you can defend your network against hackers. Once you learn the technique you may be recruited by many companies who are searching for professionals with these skills. Check out the below link to know more about IT Security or join any one of the categories mentioned above. Also note that IT Security Salaries are one of the highest paid ones.
Visit EC-Council for more info.
Share and Publish your Products with iliketotallyloveit
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | Labels: Shopping SitesClick here to visit iliketotallyloveit. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Many would have known about Hangman game and played it. For people who don’t know about hangman, here is a brief introduction about hangman. You have to guess a word. You will have to suggest a letter which occurs in the word. If the letter you have suggested is correct you can go to guess on another letter. If it is wrong, an element is drawn in the hangman diagram. You can continue on guessing the letters in the word until you find the word itself or the diagram is fully drawn. If you have guessed the word correctly, then you are the winner.
You can also find more Hangman Game Reviews. I founded out some greater sites to play hangman here. Don’t forget to check it out.
It is very interesting to play the game and it also tests IQ knowledge power you have. Here is one site which allows you to play the hangman for free. If you are a Hangman freak, you can also get the Hangman code to embed in your site. So if you want to test your IQ or relieve your stress try playing the game, it does not take too much time. Don’t cheat by searching the word in Google :)
Click here to play Hangman Game.
Sponsered Post: Compare and choose Host with Web Hosting Choice
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 | Labels: Sponsered PostThere are lot of domains available around the net and choosing the right one with the features you request is hard to find. It is time consuming and requires lot of effort. To ease you in finding the hosting site, Web Hosting Choice provides you a detailed comparison of hosting sites available.
They provide you, the list of hosting sites with details like price, score, setup, domain, disk space, data transfer and lot more. You can also view the In-depth comparison between different hosting sites to choose from. They also have host directory wherein y more hosting sites are listed. Finding a good hosting site to host your site is very tough and web hosting choice helps you in deciding it easily.
Web Hosting Choice provides you the total guide to web hosting. You can find lot of resources in their site to help you with. In each category you can find their recommended choice and also see review of the hosting sites to know how it is recommended. You can also enter your specific search criteria and find hosting sites matching them. You can give a try in the below given link.
Click here to view web hosting
This is a paid review. If you find these reviews to be something you don’t like please drop me an email.
Searchme lets you see web pages without having to click through. This makes your search quicker and easier. The results are shown in stack of pages that you can flip through or expand. This reduces the loading time and you can view the pages by double clicking it.
Click here to visit Searchme.
Click here to visit IsItNormal?. Does this article intrests you then subscribe to FunLounge by Email
Do you have Inbox full of mails and find it hard to manage it. OtherInbox will find all your online shopping, newsletters, social networking messages and neatly organize them into folders for you. You can also create rules and filters and apply them.
Click here to visit OtherInbox.
Casino's have been very popular these days. To free up the mind, people are going to casinos to relieve their stress. Some people are addicted to gambling. Whatever may be the reason, but one should know the tips for winning in casinos. Many people are also in search for sites which provide online gambling and also where tips are provided for gambling. CasinoNewbies provides you with such tips and information on gambling.
In CasinoNewbies you can get information on new casinos and review of the casino's so that you can decide on participate in the casino or not. You will also get gambling news information in this site. This site can be your full online casino guide for you. While i was browsing through their articles, I came across some affiliate programs also. If you go through the site in detail, you will come across many new casinos you have not heared before. You will also get to know the different kind of games available and rules to play these games.
To Summarize overall, they have a collection of casino's website and many tricks up their sleeves to help you out. Just have a peek in the Online Casino Guide
This is a paid review. This does not mean that we advice others to involve in gambling. If you find these reviews to be something you don’t like please drop me an email.
Get Gifts from KudosNetwork for completing offers
Friday, March 13, 2009 | Labels: Gift Sites , Intresting SitesJoin Kudos Network to get cool gifts. You will get points for completing an offer. Then you can renew the points for gifts. This is applicable to US,UK and canada countries only.
Click here to visit Kudosnetwork
whobuild.it is a site where you can claim the sites you have built and see the owners of the site, who like your sites and more.
Click here to visit whobuild.it.
If you are a pizza lover and would like to share your favourite pizza eatout place with others and know various places where you can get nice pizzas, then PizzaShare is the place where you can do all this. Just search for your locations and find pizzas nearby where it is very nicer.
Click here to visit PizzaShare.
Careful precautions should be taken for ladies who are pregnant to maintain your health. You need to be careful on selecting the products you use at the time of pregnancy. Beaute de Maman presents you health and beauty products developed by a board-certified obstetrician to treat problems specifically related to the physiological and hormonal changes experienced by women during pregnancy.
Their products have made it into the hands of such Hollywood celebrity moms-to-be including actresses Penelope Ann Miller, Salli Richardson-Whitfield. Their products have become very popular. Regarding the quality of the product, you can be rest assured as they use only natural ingredients.
They use only natural and herbal ingredients which assures your safety. Some of the products they present are Anti-acne Face Cream, Face Scrub, Stretch Mark cream and Nipple Gel. Moreover there is a free shipping for $25 purchase on domestic orders . So Pregnant Moms what are you waiting for. Check out Beaute de Maman and order now.
If you would like to visit their store, you can go to stores section on their web site and see the nearby stores in your area.
I have always been crazy about the game The Sims. They started with The Sims and has now grown up with many expansion packs. Many fans like me are crazy about this game around the world. The new version of The Sims 3 which was planned to release on Feb 20 2009 was postponed to June 2009. All are eagerly waiting for the new game and how better it would be from Sims 2. As for the Sims fans, let us hope we all get it soon. You can also pre order The Sims 3 Collector's Edition in the Sims official website
You can take a preview at The Sims 3 official website.
If you want to earn money by your articles, then bukisha is the right site where you can publish your content and earn money when people read your content. the more the people read, the more you get paid. The amount per 1000 impressions, you will receive is set based on your person. You can checkout your earnings by paypal when you reach the minimum 10$. Just give it a try and who knows you may be earning a lot. Submit a content and check how you earn. It is free.
Click here to visit Bukisa.
Online Dating is getting very popular. But there are a large number of online dating sites around the net to find and which one to select. Moreover there is also a point that the online dating site should have many people listed near places for you to choose from. All these factor determine which online dating site to choose. I came across an interesting online dating site passion search.
Passion Search gives you easy wizard steps to find your dating partner online that too for free. You may also meet some very interesting people there. If you are person willing to meet different peoples and hangout with people, then this is the right site. Why not give it a try and sign in passion search as it is free. Who knows you may even come across your dream partner.
#1. ServerCheck
Click here to visit ServerCheck
#2. IsthisdownNow you can check whether a site is really down or it is not loading only for you using isthisdown.
Click here to visit Isthisdown
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Visit wis.dm.
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Win a Trip for 4 to SeaWorld and Ride Manta!
IZEA and SeaWorld have teamed up to create a wicked contest called Manta Mania. One person will win a trip for four to SeaWorld including airfare, hotel and two full days at the park. Not only that… you will get priority access to ride Manta! I also have an awesome SeaWorld prize pack to giveaway that includes some cool schwag.
How to join the contest.
Leave a comment sharing why you want to take your family or friends to SeaWorld to ride Manta in the Manta Mania 3
I surely want to take my family for vacation as we would like to see the seaWorld. And if it is given free of cost who would like to miss it. I have joined the contest and if you also would like to join, leave a comment in this
Manta Mania 3
Six sites to get answers for your questions
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | Labels: Famous Five , Intresting Sites#1.Yahoo Answer
Click here to visit Yahoo Answer.
#2. Wiki Answer
Click here to visit Wiki Answer.
#3. Answer Bag
Click here to visit Answer Bag.
#4. Mahalo Answer
Click here to visit Mahalo Answer.
#5. Sawaal by ibibo.com
Click here to visit Sawaal .
#6. Question everything by wis.dm
Click here to visit wis.dm.
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